
Going up

As the game begins, the player gets briefed on the story of the game. Throughout the game, A.L.A.N the AI talks to the player and can help with directions as to where to go. The development for Going up was quite difficult at times but overall, the experience of creating this game was fun and enjoyable.   Below is a quick gameplay demo we made for Going up.

Main Menu

This what the main menu looks like when the user first enters. We have added in a logo for our game and the title which is called 'Going up'.


I have now added some audio to the game. The game now has background music as well as sound for when the player jump. There is also audio for when the player comes across the AI.

The game so far

This is what the game currently looks like. It's just about complete and we just about have the main menu and the audio for the game working smoothly.

Player update and new system

After experimenting, we designed a gravity system which allows the player to walk across a platform upside down and sideways across the blocks.

Theme for game

Me, Rob and Oli decided that the theme of the game would be based around exploration in space where the user will be playing a spaceman. This is the spaceman that we designed for the game and the story will be of an AI who controls the area in space.

Text writing system

Me, Oli and Rob had a discussion and we decided that we wanted a text writing system in the game. This will display text procedurally for the user. This took some time to do as we ran into quite a few problems but eventually got it to work.